Rewilding Apennines extends its program to make people experience the rewilding initiatives in the Central Apennines.
The “Rewilding Experiences” are born, 3 possibilities to join the rewilding field actions. It is possible to join on the field for one day or for a one-week experience. For organizations, a two-day customized format has been designed to get them acquainted with rewilding principles.

Three programmes to practice rewilding
For the past three years, to make rewilding known in Italy, Rewilding Apennines has been organizing the “Rewilding Weeks” initiative. This series of field experiences were specially designed to help concretely in the actions of conservation and restoration of the environment together with the Rewilding Apennines team, to explore the rewilding landscape of the Central Apennines, to meet and exchange with the local communities facing daily the coexistence with wildlife, to support the economy of the small and fascinating villages of the Apennines.
This year, to allow more people to participate in field actions and support the growth of the rewilding movement in Italy, Rewilding Apennines has decided to offer a wider range of formats, both for individuals and for organisations. From now on, it is possible to sign up for the Rewilding Experiences in three ways: Rewilding Days, Rewilding Weeks and Rewilding for partners.
Visit the dedicated webpage to get all the details.
Experiences for people
For individuals, both weekly and daily formats are available. Rewilding Days will be organised once a month, during a weekend, to give an insight into the rewilding principles through the wildlife monitoring action in the mountains. Another highlight of the day will be a meeting with local farmers coexisting with wildlife daily and tasting their products. This experience has been built in partnership with Sound Trek, a trekking company that guarantees the respect of the ethics and the rewilding principles, the programme’s knowledge of the territory and its resources, the trails, the safety along the paths and during all the activities.
For those who wish to immerse into a more holistic experience, a week-long format has been designed. According to the programme, the morning is dedicated to field activities, while in the afternoon there will be visits to local producers coexisting with wildlife and a workshop on coexistence. Finally, one night will be spent in a mountain refuge with Wildlife Adventures to focus on observing the signs of wildlife presence. In order to ensure the best possible care for our guests, optimise travel in the rewilding landscape and keep the ecological footprint low, the maximum number of participants for each experience is 6. These are the appointments for 2023: 12-17 June and 11-16 September.
Moreover, in case a group of maximum 6 people is already formed, it is possible to contact Rewilding Apennines to arrange another date.

Experiences for organizations
Strong and long-lasting partnerships are key to the Rewilding Apennines team.
To provide a comprehensive understanding of the rewilding work in the Central Apennines, a two-day programme has been designed for those organizations aiming to deal with the biodiversity conservation and play an active role in rewilding.
The groups will embark on a rewilding journey that allow them to discover one of the wildest and most untouched regions in Italy, to learn why biodiversity is so crucial for a better future and to reflect on how to apply the principles of coexistence within a team. This experience will also be an opportunity to get to know each other and create the conditions for a strong and sustainable partnership. The format and focus of the programme can be tailored to the group interests and demands. To organise an experience with your orgnisation, contact the Rewilding Apennines Enterprise Manager Valerio Reale (
By joining one of these programmes, participants contribute directly to nature conservation as all profits generated go to local stakeholders and to the Bear Fund.

A testimonial from DEEP ENERGIES
DEEP ENERGIES is a radical foundation dedicated to the biodiversity conservation that builds direct action impact partnerships and deploys leading-edge design solutions in ecological contexts. The DEEP team joined a Rewilding Week in November 2022 and initiated a collaboration with Rewilding Apennines in early 2023 to support the recovery of the white-clawed crayfish.
After their Rewilding Week, they said: “DEEP is proud to announce a partnership with Rewilding Apennines, starting with a week of exploration and immersive rewilding practice in the heart of Italy’s Central Apennine region, seeking intimacy with ecology through a careful observation and restorative intervention of these wild ecosystems.”
“Observing roe and red deer shortly after mating season, setting camera traps to capture the movements of wild cats as their habitat becomes more feasible, find carcasses to observe predator and scavenger behaviour as trophic cascades evolve in real time, removing kilometres of abandoned barbed wire in the mountains to allow for the free movement of animals.”

To whom wish to take part into the Rewilding Experiences, more details are available on the dedicated page on the website.