Rewilding Experiences

Looking for a hands-on experience to learn all about rewilding in the field?

Bruno D’Amicis

Rewilding Experiences

Looking for a hands-on experience to learn all about rewilding in the field?

Rewilding Apennines now offers the opportunity to personally contribute to rewilding through a pratical and immersive programme with the team in the Central Apennines!

Check our Experiences planned for 2024

Bruno D'Amicis

Upcoming: Rewilding Week 23 – 27 October 2024

Five days dedicated to exploring nature, wildlife and local cuisine.

Activities including

  • Wildlife observation and trekking
  • Tasting of products from local partners that support nature recovery
  • Applying coexistence measures like electric fence construction
  • Visit to a bear-smart community
  • Barbed wire removal
  • Analysis of camera trap footage

Sign up now

Laurien Holtjer

Rewilding Experiences: the best way to discover rewilding

What is the best way to discover rewilding if not to live it yourself, experiencing it in the field, through a programme specifically designed to connect you with a wild landscape and it’s local communities.

Our Rewilding Experiences offer you the opportunity to explore the Central Apennines rewilding landscape, to meet with people who live in the ecological corridors and deal daily with wildlife coexistence, to help the team with practical rewilding actions, and to support the economy of small but fascinating Apennine villages.

Check all our available Experiences

Bruno D'Amicis

The aim of the programme

Through this special programme, we aim to increase people’s awareness about rewilding principles, to amplify the rewilding movement both in Italy and abroad by offering opportunities for personal growth and learning-by-doing, and to support the rewilding actions in Central Apennines thanks to the Bear Fund.

Our Rewilding Experiences are not meant to generate profit, but rather to inspire people to participate in a cultural changing process in which the protection of natural resources and ecosystem restoration are at the core of daily life in the local communities.

Our local partners help to make these Experiences possible.

What to expect during the Rewilding Experiences


Join some of our rewilding actions in order to experience what rewilding means and directly contribute to wildlife conservation.


Walk into the wild mountains of Central Apennines, observe wildlife and their signs of presence.


Meet and exchange with the communities that daily coexist with wildlife.

You’ll be helping to protect some of the most iconic wildlife species of the Central Apennines:

Marsican brown bear
Bruno D'Amicis
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) hinds and fawns grazing among wild boar (Sus scropha) on a summer pasture. Central Apennines
Red deer and wild boar
Bruno D'Amicis
Eurasian wildcat (Felis sylvestris). Adult male in snow. CAPTIVE
Eurasian wildcat
Bruno D'Amicis
Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) adult soaring above distant mountain slope. Central Apennines, Abruzzo, Italy. February 2009.
Griffon vulture
Bruno D'Amicis

Why join?



directly in wildlife conservation actions and rewilding by joining our team during their work on the ground.


about the key concepts of rewilding, wildlife conservation and coexistence from experts and practicioners and the local people who experience it.


our work economically, as all money raised will support coexistence actions through the Bear Fund, as well as local initiatives acting responsibly in the landscape.

Choose your Rewilding Experience

The Orfento river in the homonymous valley in the Majella NP. Abruzzo, Central Apennines, Italy. Oct 2009

5 days


Five days dedicated to Rewilding Apennines field activities, discovering natural ecosystems and great local artisans.

In collaboration with Wildlife adventures

Programme 2024:
24 – 28 April   
22 – 26 May   
10 – 14 July   
23 – 27 October   


  • Transfer 90€
  • Guide and insurance 240€
  • Bear Fund donation 130€
  • Accommodation 4 nights 140€
  • Lunch for 5 days 75€
  • One dinner 20€
  • One tasting 15€
  • Tour operator 77€

TOTAL: 787,00€

2 days 


2 days in the mountains with Rewilding Apennines and Soundtrek devoted to a field activity, a trek and a night in a mountain hut with tasting of local products.

In collaboration with Soundtrek

Programme 2024:
18 – 19 May   


  • Guide and insurance 40€
  • Bear Fund donation 10€
  • Accommodation at the mountain hut Zompo Lo Schioppo 25€
  • Aperitifs and beverages 32€
  • Dinner and Breakfast 13€
  • Tour operator 10€

TOTAL: 130,00€

The price may vary slightly depending on the number of participants.

1 day 


coming soon



Trip organized by ExodusTravels in collaboration with Rewilding Apennines with a full day dedicated to our field activities. All profits will go to support the work of Rewilding Apennines.

Available dates
11 – 16 May
8 – 13 June
31 August – 5 September



Five days of training on nature-based tourism, conservation, rewilding and community engagement.

Available dates
10 – 14 June
7 – 11 October


Sunset in the Piani Palentini, Scurcola Marsicana, Abruzzo, Italy. May 2014


Trip organized by The New Scientist Discovery Tour in collaboration with Rewilding Apennines with a full day dedicated to our field activities. A travel experience with a strong scientific approach.

Available date:
23 – 28 September


Experiences for organizations – 2 days


Format & content to be adjusted
according to your expectations

To plan your experience, email us at:

Journey through the ecological corridors

The Rewilding Experiences are set in the ecological corridors of the Central Apennines rewilding landscape. Here, the team’s commitment focuses on nature restoration and more specific, monitoring and conservation of species and habitats. We cooperate with local institutions and communities in order to promote shared initiativesto spread the concept of human-wildlife coexistence. Bringing ecosystems back in balance and making people participate in the benefits derived from this, is one of the objectives we want to share with everyone who believes that this is a priority mission for our wellbeing and quality of life.

The ecological corridors where we work and that connect the main protected areas are defined as “coexistence corridors”. They are crucial areas for the survival and movement of species such as the Marsican brown bear, the Apennine wolf, red deer, roe deer, wild boar, wildcat, griffon vulture, golden eagle and many others.

Bruno D'Amicis

Programme details

The Rewilding Experiences are carried out following a calendar that is defined by the Rewilding Apennines team. Every season is characterised by different available activities and priorities.

Each experience is built in order to fit in with the work of the Field Officers, who daily work on the ground on conservation and coexistence measures. The succession of the seasons, the changing elements of the landscape, the alternation of human activities linked to nature determine the priorities in the field, which in turn will be reflected in the initiatives shared during the Rewilding Experiences. Therefore, flexibility and adaptability to different situations are requisites required to the participants.

For example, it might be possible to:

  • participate in wild fauna monitoring with sunrise or sunset observations, or through the usage of camera traps accompanied by a short training course;
  • contribute to environmental restoration by removing small illegal dumps, or abandoned barbed wire in the mountains that today remains an obstacle in the landscape for animal movements (humans included);
  • improve habitat quality by pruning the abandoned fruit orchards that are far from the towns, in order to increase the food availability for the bear and other species;
  • install electric fences and bear-proof metal doors as mitigation measures against bear’s damage to small farms, to support coexistence;
  • meet the human protagonists from the ecological corridors and learn their coexistence stories: residents, small entrepreneurs, students and volunteers;
  • explore the Apennine landscapes with all your senses and explore spectacular places of natural and cultural-historical interest in order to bring back an unforgettable postcard of this experience!

The Field Officers of Rewilding Apennines work daily in the field. Some fieldwork moments:

Rewilding Apennines team driving in 4WD car to monitor wildlife in corridor area between Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park and Majella National Park. Central Apennines, Italy. 2020
In the coexistence corridors it is important to check specific places where the passage of the Marsican brown bear is possible.
Bruno D’Amicis
Rewilding Apennines Field Officer, Fabrizio Cordischi. checking Marsican brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus) hairs stuck in barbed wire. Central Apennines, Italy. 2020
The animal can leave its signs of presence, like tufts of hair kept by the barbed wire.
Bruno D’Amicis
Rewilding Apennines Team leader, Mario Cipollone, setting up a camera trap in wildlife corridor among Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park and Majella National Park. Central Apennines, Italy. 2020
Wildlife monitoring may be done through the regular installation and check of camera traps…
Bruno D’Amicis
Rewilding Apennines team monitoring wildlife in corridor area between Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park and Majella National Park. Central Apennines, Italy. 2020
…or direct, with the usage of optics in the field.
Bruno D’Amicis

If you are a rewilding supporter and want to have a practical experience that concretely contributes to our rewilding efforts in Central Apennines, sign up via one of the registration forms or contact Enterprise Manager Valerio Reale for more information:


We need to rewild the world” Sir. David Attenborough, the famous English popularizer and naturalist, has said with strength and convincement, after decades of observing the drift of natural processes all over the world because of human impact, with serious consequences for biodiversity and our species as well.

As Rewilding Apennines we do our part to fulfill this mission and we’re daily committed to defend our natural resources from excessive exploitation and shorten the distance between the man and wild nature. If you want to discover up close how we do this, the Rewilding Weeks are the programme for you!