A seminar to talk about the state of the art and the future perspectives of the rewilding in our Country.

The event
From 3 to 5 November the seminar “Rewilding in Italy. State of the art and future perspectives” organized by Rewilding Apennines with the patronage of the Municipality of Gioia dei Marsi, will be held at Hotel Filippone, in Gioia dei Marsi (AQ). From today until October 15th the registrations are open.
After ten years when the rewilding practices have been implemented in the Central Apennines for the first time, Rewilding Apennines decided to dedicate three days to the rewilding initiatives carried out in Italy and to strengthen the network of all those deal with wildlife, ecosystem restoration and coexistence, with a particularly attentive eye on future initiatives.
The themes
The seminar is divided into four sessions. The first day it will address the Rewilding Apennines strategy for 2030 to increase the naturalness of the territories and the benefits for people; the LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors initiative that aims at encouraging the expansion of the Marsican brown bear in the Central Apennines through the ecological corridors and at supporting local communities to become increasingly “bear-smart”. A second session will be dedicated to financial tools to support nature protection, rewilding credits and ecosystem services. The third session, on the second day, will focus on wildlife on the move in Italy, with a look at the Central Apennines and beyond. Finally, the fourth session, the last day, will be dedicated to the active rewilding, with a focus on reintroductions and protection of species and habitats, environmental restoration initiatives and strategies to combat the biodiversity loss.

Who is it aimed at?
The seminar will be led by speakers and moderators of great professionalism and experience in their respective fields, coming from protected areas, non-profit organizations, foundations and research institutions.
The initiative aims to reach mainly an Italian audience, because it is configured as the first national seminar on rewilding, however it is also open to participants from abroad, facilitated by the availability of a simultaneous translation service.
Students, PhD students, researchers, professionals in the sectors of environmental sciences, nature sciences, biology, ecology, nature conservation, forestry sciences, agronomic sciences, scientific communication, environmental engineering, environmental political and economic sciences are just some of the profiles that might find the seminar of particular interest. Furthermore, hiking guides, members of environmental associations, professionals in the ecotourism sector and nature enthusiasts are further recipients of the initiative.
Young people at the centre
In addition to the face-to-face sessions, moments of experiences exchange and creation of social networks are planned during the evenings. Furthermore, in the room where the event will take place, spaces dedicated to sponsors and organizations will be set up to display informative materials and thus encourage the communication.
The participation of young people is particularly recommended, both because the themes of the seminar can be of great interest to numerous students from different fields of study and research, and because poster sessions will be organized in order to promote research or case studies relating to the rewilding in Italy. A specific call to nominate posters is available for students and young researchers.
The seminar has a diversified cost according the participants profiles: students, members of European Young Rewilders and European Rewilding Network; researchers and PhD; professionals.
The “Rewilding in Italy” initiative is sponsored by Rewilding Europe, Rewilding Apennines and Exodus Travels.
For further details on the event, the program and to register, visit the web page.

The coexistence week
The themes of human-wildlife coexistence are dear to Rewilding Apennines and this year, more than others, they are arousing growing interest in the public. For this reason, in addition to the seminar on 3-5 November, other initiatives will be held, in particular dedicated to the relationship between large predators and humans, in Rome at the American Embassy on 9 November, and a conference on the wolf on 11 November in Sulmona, in collaboration with the friends of Io non ho paura del lupo.