Why should we engage in regeneration of ecosystems, conservation of nature, reintroduction of animal and plant species and benefits for communities? Rewilding Apennines and the European Young Rewilders in the person of its coordinator Giulia Testa, will talk about what it means to deal with rewilding and what prospects this sector offers in a meeting dedicated especially to young people.

On Thursday 1st June at 16:30, the Rewilding Open Day will take place in the multimedia room of the building of the S.S. Annunziata in Sulmona. The event is organized by Rewilding Apennines in collaboration with the European Young Rewilders through its coordinator Giulia Testa.
The event, which can be enjoyed both in presence and via streaming by contacting info@rewilding-apennines.com, will focus on the concept of “rewilding” and its practical applications, the role of young people and the opportunities related to the world of environmental protection. It will be a chance to get to know the work that Rewilding Apennines carries out in the Central Apennines up close, and the opportunities offered by European Young Rewilders as a network of young students and professionals from various sectors and united by the vision of a future in which the crucial role of nature in society is recognized and valued.

Rewilding is a modern approach to nature conservation that is rapidly spreading throughout Europe. The main objective of rewilding is to restore the structure and functionality of ecosystems to ensure that nature can self-manage and self-regulate, resulting in benefits both for biodiversity and for human communities. To make possible a future in which natural ecosystems and human activities coexist in balance, it is necessary to innovate the management of natural resources and the human-nature relationship; the young people, at the gates of the university and working careers, are the key to this innovation. Nature conservation is not a sector open exclusively to biologists and ecologists as one might easily think. Professionals of all kinds revolve around the rewilding initiatives and it is possible to contribute in many ways depending the expertise and availability of everyone.
The Rewilding Open Day as a meeting day was created with the aim of illustrating to the public, with particular attention to young people, the opportunities that rewilding can bring both to the quality of ecosystems and to the life quality of the communities involved, with economic and social benefits. Dealing with the protection and regeneration of nature, and therefore with rewilding, is an interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding field, which is why the invitation to participate in the event is extended not only to those who intend to make nature conservation their future career, but to all those who are curious to find out why it is worth taking care of their landscape and what long-term benefits communities can get from it.