For Rewilding Apennines, 2024 concluded with a special event: the premiere of the short film “Giro di vite – Crackdown”. This artistic work was created to raise public awareness about crimes against wildlife.

On December 20th, at the Cantelmo Castle in Pettorano sul Gizio, Rewilding Apennines presented a unique artistic cinematic project to the public, marking the first time the association has utilized such a medium to convey significant messages.
Directed by Michał Stenzel, written by Mario Cipollone, and produced by Rewilding Apennines, “Giro di vite – Crackdown” is a contemporary work that addresses a theme that shows no signs of modernizing. It is a local story that can be scaled to many places in Italy, highlighting the sometimes-extreme relationship between humans and nature.

Around 60 attendees participated in the premiere, demonstrating their appreciation for th

e original and realistic story with a long round of applause. One participant remarked that it “delivers a strong and clear message.”
Following the film screening, there was a brief discussion led by the Rewilding Apennines team, focusing on the use of poison against wildlife, the #LetsNotPoisonOurselves awareness campaign launched by the association in 2024, and impressive statistics regarding this type of wildlife crime on both national and regional levels. Additionally, the audience learned about the team’s commitment to nature conservation, the protection of key species like the griffon vulture – an essential scavenger of ecosystems and a sentinel for poisoning incidents – field monitoring conducted in collaboration with various organizations, and efforts to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts.
The short film addresses a challenging theme that particularly resonated with the Polish director Michał Stenzel. When asked during the event, “What was it like to work on this film?” he responded: “I really appreciated the story, but especially the strong motivation that drove the association to create a cinematic product like this. Cinema can influence culture. Furthermore, the town of Pettorano sul Gizio and its surrounding landscape provided a perfect backdrop for the film.”
The chosen title, “Giro di vite” (“crackdown” or literally “turn of the screw”), carries multiple meanings, all linked to the film’s subject. It refers to the investigative tightening to find the perpetrators of a crime; the spiral of death that ensnares animals that die from poisoning and in turn poison scavengers; and the intertwining of people, their thoughts, and actions in a common narrative that binds them until the shared event is resolved.

“In a historical period in which global politics often resorts to extreme tones and solutions, leading some to feel justified in taking the law into their own hands – even in their interactions with wild animals – we felt it was necessary to use an original communication tool, as opposed to our more conventional means like documentaries, to prompt the audience to reflect on the consequences of illegal practices that can harm natural environments, coexistence among people, and even those who engage in such practices. We are convinced that coexistence and cooperation are the only viable solutions to avoid a state of perpetual conflict, which is the foundation of rewilding activities aimed at restoring ecological processes for the benefit of nature and human well-being.”, stated Mario Cipollone, team leader of Rewilding Apennines and script writer of “Giro di vite.”

“Giro di vite” will participate in various national and international film competitions and will be used by the association during specific events as a tool to reflect on crucial themes that extend well beyond environmental protection and its creatures, ultimately promoting the culture of legality and civic engagement.
The premiere ended with a convivial moment and was organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Pettorano sul Gizio, the Monte Genzana Alto Gizio Nature Reserve, and the Valleluna Cooperative. Rewilding Apennines expresses gratitude to these organizations and all those involved in the film’s production.