The Central Apennines are known for their diverse habitats and rich biodiversity, but despite this, there are places where the disappearance of certain species does not allow the ecosystem to manifest its full potential. The Apennine chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata) is one of these key species.

We are pleased to announce that a donation of 3. 000 € per year for 3 years from Parc Animalier d’Auvergne and La Passerelle Conservation Foundation will support the collaboration between Rewilding Apennines, the Reparto Carabinieri Biodiversità of Castel di Sangro and the Sirente Velino Regional Park to reinforce the Apennine chamois population on the Sirente Mountain and organise the reintroduction project in the State Reserve Monte Velino, thus constituting the sixth population of the “world’s most beautiful chamois” in the Central Apennines. The Apennine chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata) is considered a priority subspecies under the European Nature Conservation Act and is classified as ‘vulnerable’ on the IUCN Red List.

“Although there are around 2,500 individuals in the central Apennines, the chamois still remains vulnerable to climate change and low genetic variability. Rewilding Apennines is proud to be able to contribute to the reintroduction of the chamois in the Monte Velino State Reserve by working with the Carabinieri Forestali and the Sirente Velino Regional Park and the National Parks of the Central Apennines who will make the animals available for release. It will be a privilege to see this elegant and agile climber once again on the rugged peaks of this wonderful mountain,” says Mario Cipollone, Team Leader of Rewilding Apennines.