Tag: Marsican brown bear

The theatrical premiere of “Wild condominium” was staged

December 9, 2024  |  News

“You cannot bluff if there is a theatrical civilization, and theater is a great civil force; theater removes the cowardice of living, it takes away the fear of the different, the other, the unknown, of life, of death.“ Leo De Berardinis, actor and theater director     Theater is a powerful tool for communication, as … Continued

Rewilding Apennines joins the “A future for the bear” event

September 9, 2023  |  News

Rewilding Apennines joins the numerous associations that have organized a demonstration in memory of the Amarena the bear, to ask the authorities and law enforcement agencies for greater control of the territory and commitment to the protection of fauna and for citizens to actively participate in putting into practice a real coexistence. The initiative will be held on Sunday 10 September at 10:00 in Piazza Mazzarino in Pescina (AQ).

Bear workshops build engagement and promote coexistence in the Central Apennines

July 19, 2023  |  News

The aim of the LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors initiative is to enhance human-bear coexistence in Italy, Greece, and further afield. The initiative’s well-attended first two public meetings, in the towns of Pettorano sul Gizio and Vastogirardi in the Central Apennines rewilding landscape, proved very positive and educational events.

A map to improve coexistence with large predators

April 17, 2023  |  News

Coexistence between large predators and humans is essential to conservation. An innovative map, created thanks to the collaboration between scientists and local communities, highlights the critical areas and contributes to the planning of coexistence and conservation measures designed to meet the needs of the territory.