Tag: Central Apennines

5 achievements that turned our dreams into reality in 2024

December 27, 2024  |  News

The year 2024 was marked by significant milestones for Rewilding Apennines. We realized some of our most ambitious dreams, opening new paths and experimenting with innovative initiatives that filled us with enthusiasm, pride, and, most importantly, a precious energy. It is this energy that will drive us to make new dreams come true and achieve the goals that await us in the coming year.

The theatrical premiere of “Wild condominium” was staged

December 9, 2024  |  News

“You cannot bluff if there is a theatrical civilization, and theater is a great civil force; theater removes the cowardice of living, it takes away the fear of the different, the other, the unknown, of life, of death.“ Leo De Berardinis, actor and theater director     Theater is a powerful tool for communication, as … Continued

LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors is halfway through its journey

July 17, 2024  |  News

During the monitoring visit of LIFE Bear-Smart Corridors – a formal moment to verify that what has been done so far by the partners is consistent with the plans and rules of the European Commission – the role of bear-smart communities for human-bear coexistence in the central Apennines was strongly emphasized through testimonies, field visits, and official moments.

Fighting the use of poison: an urgency that can no longer be tolerated

July 12, 2024  |  Blog

The poisoning of wildlife represents a cruel and criminal practice that we can no longer tolerate! Despite an Ordinance from the Italian Ministry of Health that details procedures in cases of suspected poisoning, reported cases rarely lead to effective investigations and convictions. Why can’t we completely eradicate this scourge?

The path of the Nature Restoration Law gets tough

April 11, 2024  |  Blog

What can we expect after the stop on 25 March?
The European Council puts a worrying brake on the law. Now approval becomes more uncertain and is postponed to “a date to be set”. We talked about it with Giulia Testa from European Young Rewilders.

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