New releases of Mediterranean trout in the Zompo lo Schioppo Regional Reserve

March 17, 2025

Approximately 2,500 genetically characterized Mediterranean trout fry will be released into the Romito stream in Morino, part of the Liri River basin, thereby revitalizing the river ecosystem.

Prof. Amilcare D’Orso and prof. Marco Seminara prepare the Mediterranean trout fry to be released in Romito stream in Morino.
Filippo Castellucci

The Zompo lo Schioppo Regional Reserve has been undertaking an initiative for years aimed at recovering the Mediterranean trout strain present in the Lo Schioppo stream, in collaboration with the University of La Sapienza in Rome’s Department of Environmental Biology, and in agreement with the Zooprophylactic Institute of Teramo and the Abruzzo Regional Authority. The Mediterranean trout, currently referred to as Salmo ghigii, has experienced a significant decline in recent decades due to the introduction of trout strains from Alpine and European origins. The ongoing conservation project in the protected area is led by Professor Amilcare D’Orsi and Professor Marco Seminara, with support from the Rewilding Apennines team and sponsorship from Rewilding Europe.

The objective is to re-establish a genetically pure population of this salmonid in the Zompo lo Schioppo Regional Reserve. The Mediterranean trout currently faces an unfavorable conservation status due to fragmented distribution caused by both habitat loss and the massive introduction of Atlantic trout strains in almost all Italian rivers. The strategic importance of recovering these populations lies primarily in the fact that the Liri River is the only Abruzzo River that drains into the Tyrrhenian Sea and within whose basin endemic salmonid populations exist, such as the Carpione del Fibreno (Salmo fibreni) and pure populations of Salmo ghigii.

Professors D’Orsi and Seminara evaluate the level of development of the trout eggs in the fish hatchery to plan the next release.
Filippo Castellucci

The project’s phases include the selection of breeders through appropriate genetic investigations and the production of fry to be released in the Romito stream section within the protected area. Currently, about 80 trout specimens have been equipped with identification microchips, and a tissue sample has been taken from each for genetic characterization. From several mature specimens, verified genetically for reproduction, three batches of fertilized eggs have been produced.

Last Friday, following hatching and necessary development, the first batch of approximately 2,000 fry was released into the Romito stream, with a further release of 500 young specimens to follow later.

The moment of Mediterranean trout fry release in Romito stream.
Filippo Castellucci

The Mayor of Morino, Roberto D’Amico, emphasizes that “The Zompo lo Schioppo Reserve represents a reference point for fish conservation activities in the Liri Valley. This is a project that the municipal administration and I personally have always believed in, and we have had a fish hatchery for years now. The project fits into the strategy that the municipality of Morino, along with all the municipalities in the valley, is pursuing as part of the River and Landscape Contract of the Liri, aimed at recovering a higher environmental quality of the hydrographic and territorial system.

These activities, along with monitoring efforts, increasingly confirm the strategic importance of Nature Reserves for biodiversity conservation and collaborations with private organizations for technical and economic support.

The beautiful Zompo lo Schioppo waterfall that caracterizes and gives the name to the Zompo lo Schioppo Nature Reserve.
Filippo Castellucci