Io non ho paura del lupo
In May 2016, the Italian media was filled with stories about the supposed “danger” that wolves presented to the inhabitants of the Val Taro region in the Northern Apennines. In response, a group of residents created an association with the title: “I am not afraid of the wolf” (“Io non ho paura del lupo”).
The association has since been active on several fronts, distributing accurate information about wolves that promotes coexistence, overseeing wolf monitoring projects in the Apennines and the Alps through non-invasive investigation methods, and conducting various communications campaigns. It also organises public events for stakeholders who may come into contact with wolves and other wild animals.

Oasi Lago Salso – Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS
At Salso Lake, in the Italian province of Foggia, several ongoing projects have seen 500 hectares of agricultural land converted to Mediterranean wetlands and meadows. This has boosted biodiversity – particularly waterbirds such as ferruginous ducks, herons and cormorants. The overall aim of the project (broadly called Rewilding Puglia) is to pioneer rewilding in the region through the restoration and maintenance of natural habitats and the recovery of endangered or extinct species.

Oasi Laguna del Re – Centro Studi Naturalistici ONLUS
The “Oasi Laguna del Re” was created through the restoration of coastal wetlands in the Gulf of Manfredonia area in the Italian province of Foggia. About 30 hectares of coastal lagoon and 150 hectares of Mediterranean salt steppe have been restored, making the oasis suitable for several priority bird species, such as pygmy cormorants, ferruginous duck and other waterbirds. Walkways and observation towers have also been constructed.

The LIFE Primed project – which is working to restore, manage and enhance PRIority habitats of MEDiterranean coastal areas – is co-financed by the European Commission. Its main aim is to improve the conservation status of habitats and species in the Natura 2000 sites of Nestos Delta in Greece and Palo Laziale Woods in Italy. Both areas are characterised by transitional small wetlands and coastal forests, which are among the most degraded and threatened ecosystems in the EU.