Legal guidance

Bruno D'Amicis

Legal guidance


When you want to rewild your land, there are many legal topics to consider. Rewilding Europe together with LifeScape has co-developed legal notes to provide practical guidance, takeaway summaries, case studies and accessible explanations of key laws that are relevant when you want to rewild your land.

Whether you’re running a small volunteer-led project or embarking on a large-scale cross-border initiative, the notes provide a resource to support making your rewilding ambitions a reality, in accordance with rewilding principles. In each of the notes, you will find a summary of the relevant law and practical examples of how it might apply to rewilding activities.

Rewilding Apennines and Rewilding Europe have worked together on notes on the following key topics which are relevant for the Italian context. For each note a summary of its content and key takeaways are provided.

Obtaining land

How to obtain access to rural land for rewilding and nature restoration?

Full note

Public access

Legal tools to grant access to privately owned land and ways to limit such access.

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Rewilding Apennines field officer Fabrizio Cordischi releases a griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) after GPS tagging operations. Velino Nature Reserve, Abruzzo - Central Apennines, Italy. 2021

Wildlife reintroductions

Reintroductions will require permissions and licences from authorities.

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How is hunting regulated in Italy? Obligations of landowners within hunting areas.

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Feeding stations

Permission and authorisations required to establish feeding stations.

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Third-party liability

Liabilities in specific situations related to rewilding and practical steps to limit the risk or impact of liability.

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Liability to neighbouring landowners

You have a duty not to negatively impact your neighbour’s land. It is recommended to have insurance.

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Liability for animals

Whenever you involve animals in your rewilding activities, you have a duty to keep watch over them.

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Developing land

Restrictions may apply. It is advisable to consider authorisations and license for rewilding activities.

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